In the heart of Daytona Beach, Florida, a remarkable day unfolded at the legendary Daytona International Speedway. Michael, a devoted racing aficionado with years of experience in the racing world, secured his spot for a thrilling ride-along with Driver Jim through a charitable auction. This …
Enchanted Engagement: Sandra & Michael’s Ever After Farms Vineyard Love Story
In the heart of Ever After Farms Vineyard, Sandra and Michael's engagement session unfolded like a modern-day fairy tale. Amidst the grandeur of sprawling oak trees and the rustic charm of a beautiful barn wedding venue, their love story took center stage. Beneath the majestic oak trees, Sandra and …
Daytona Beach Bike Week Engagement Photos: Barb & Chris
Hold on tight as I take you on a fun ride through a captivating engagement shoot that's equal parts love and adventure. As a devoted engagement and wedding photographer in Central Florida, I had the exhilarating opportunity to capture Barb and Chris's electric chemistry at The Cabbage Patch, a local …