In the heart of Daytona Beach, Florida, a remarkable day unfolded at the legendary Daytona International Speedway. Michael, a devoted racing aficionado with years of experience in the racing world, secured his spot for a thrilling ride-along with Driver Jim through a charitable auction. This …
Cyndi & Alan: Daytona Bike Week Photo Session
Cyndi contacted me a few months ago about having a Daytona Bike Week photo shoot, and I knew from the minute we started talking that this shoot would be a ton of fun! She and her boyfriend Alan were visiting from out of town for what is arguably one of the biggest weeks in the Daytona area (besides …
Cyndal & Nick’s LPGA Daytona Wedding
Cyndal & Nick were married on what was arguably the coolest day so far this fall. These two had their baseball themed engagement shoot with us last year and we were so excited to capture them tying the knot at one of Daytona's premiere wedding venues, LPGA International. Their golf course …